Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Loving the Children's Books

This weekend I went shopping with Muffy and Steph for books to read with little Beyonce. We'd been working on A Little Princess but I think some of the ideas and words and the time period were a bit much for her. Though apparently she owns and loves the movie so at least she likes the story of it. I just love the book. Always have. Anyway. She said she was more into stuff about kids her age in the relatively current time period. And mysteries and comedies were always good. So, a-shopping I went.

I was totally thrilled at how many of the books I loved as a kid are still in print and apparently selling well. All the Judy Blumes and Beverly Clearys. Charlotte's Web and A Wrinkle in Time and the Oz books and such. They had some of the Anne of Green Gables series but not a lot. But they had 'em. So I got a whole bunch of books that I didn't have anymore or that are packed away in boxes in Hawai'i and brought 'em to reading today.

I was actually nervous that she might not like any of the books. But she seemed into the Judy Blumes and all. And we got through the first chapter and a half of Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great. Heh. But then she wanted to do math. They're doing all that year-end testing this week, and this morning they did some math testing. So she was showing me some of the problems she remembered from the morning. I hope she did well. I'm sure she did. She's pretty bright with the math. Not a huge fan of the reading, but we make sure we do that for at least half the lunch hour. And she even read a couple of pages herself too. Though that's slower going.

But I'm glad she liked the books. Though I think Lovey was more excited about them. She wants to do a reading program too. Maybe I can get her hooked into my in the fall semester. Oh, wait. I really don't want to still be here in the fall. Dammit.