Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Baby Panda!

Amanda: What's better than a baby panda?

Lovey: Nothing!

Amanda: You know it.

My mother is getting revenge for all the TV Shows I got her addicted to over the last few years.

I cannot stop watching the Baby Panda. I'll be doing some work, get cranky and turn to Baby Panda! Eating lunch and can't do much work while shoveling yogurt, turn to Baby Panda! Coffee hasn't kicked in yet, Baby Panda!

Lovey, Muppet and I are working on our plot to head to DC, visit some friends, snatch the Baby Panda (all Charlie's Angels badass like) and head back home. Muppet and I will share custody. She gets it Wednesdays and every other weekend, I get him the rest of the time. Lovey will visit as much as she can. Though really, I have the backyard, I should get him all the time. Sadly, if this does not work out, Monkey Man has refused to come down and bail us out of jail. Any volunteers?

He's so cute when he wiggles. Which is like, all the time. When Mom goes off to eat and he's all alone he kicks his little legs and grabs his ears or nose and I almost squeal out loud at work. Sheena is quite tired of the cooing coming from Lovey and I. Because she does not understand the unbelievable cuteness of Baby Panda! And Lovey and I are forced to quote Paula Abdul lyrics about her. And Monkey Man. Bad Baby Panda! non loving people...

Baby Panda!

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