Friday, February 13, 2004

Talent Show!

My little Beyonce was awesome. They wore oversized white t-shirts with the collars cut out (a la Flashdance), jeans and saucy little hats with one side flipped up in a jaunty manner. Beyonce's was fuzzy and baby blue. I'm sure there's a name for those kind of hats, but I am clueless. I'm all about the shoes, hate most hats. Though I love my Icelandic wool hat from Spanky and all my baseball and bucket hats. Yeah, fashion plate, that is me.* Anyway, back to Beyonce. They did an adorable little hip-hop dance and there was much cheering. The best was when she saw me walk in and give me a big smile and ran and gave me a big hug. Made my night. Probably made my week actually. And apparently she also ran and told her mom that her Reading Buddy was here. And her friend (who sometimes joins us when her reading buddy bails) gave me a big hug as well. Her hat was fuzzy and pink. Awesome. So cute. I also got to meet her dad and talked to her mom as well whom I've met a few times. Really sweet people. Her Mom kept thanking me for coming. It seemed odd. I can't imagine not going. She was so excited about it, the school is a 10 minute walk from my office and it wasn't more than an hour and a half of my time. No brainer to me. But I am glad that Beyonce's Mom seems to like me.

The rest of the show was a kick. There were two other dancing groups (both of which included at least a bit of dancing to Sean Paul's Get Busy - hee) and lots of singing. And of COURSE a couple little girls singing My Heart Will Go On. This is the song that started the giggling fit which got my cousin Sassy and I in trouble at a talent show in Salem years ago. The girls actually didn't do a bad job on it, but I hate Celine and that movie and that song...

It was weird though. I felt a little out of place. Everyone else seemed to know each other and be chatting and laid back and all that. It was kinda like a little social hour between performances. And apparently I don't look like a NYC public school student, parent or teacher. But everyone was really sweet and polite. And it was a fun time. I just hope the pictures turned out. Y'all should just see her in her cute little hat.

My biological clock just started I think. Ooops.

*Sidenote: Did any of y'all have those fashion plate imprinting things as kids. Where you'd have the different plates with the heads, torsos, legs, feet of various women/outfits and could put them in combinations and then put paper over it and do a pencil rubbing to get a drawing of a girl that you could then color? I cannot remember what those were called. I LOVED mine and was totally anal retentive about my designing and coloring of these women/outfits. I loved this one girl with a short curly hairstyle that I always had to make strawberry blonde. And I would ONLY color with colored pencils because you couldn't get the subtlety needed with crayon or marker. I need help, don't I?

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