Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Birthday Week - Day Five

So, got to work again and again with the no worship, adoration or sending me home early. What's up with that? Maybe someone should put a call in to management. Do they not KNOW it's Birthday Week? Things were actually pretty awful at the office with lots of drama, strongly worded emails and meetings. And I was actually the one writing the strongly worded emails and getting people in trouble. Ugh. Whatever. It was a stressful workday and not really one that fit in with Birthday Week. Bad, bad work.

But then I left. And that was glorious.

Headed home to chat with Pumpkin about birthday fun and her life and all that so I wasn't able to tidy in time for Muffy's appearance. It was so hot we turned off all the lights anyway and didn't even have to look at the filth. So that was good. And chatting with Pumpkin is always a joy.

Anyway, Muffy popped by for sofa night after a crappy day at her job. The plan had originally been for a Bring it On/Center Stage DVD double feature. Or at the very least a Charlie's Angels Season One mini-marathon. But since Muffy was the only attendee and we'd been talking about her seeing Sixteen Candles (finally!) we decided to do that. While drinking beer, gabbing and eating lo mein out of the carton. And sweating a lot in the heat and the humidity. It was a pretty awesome time. I'd forgotten how much I loved Sixteen Candles. Muffy had started to watch it on cable earlier in the month and I told her that wasn't allowed as you miss some of the best parts that way. And I think she liked it. Now she can understand all the Long Duck Dong jokes (man, how offensive and sexist and racist and all is this movie, dang) and the Grandparents and the feeling up of the Molly by the Grandma and various jokes of our generation. I'm sure she feels like a better person.

We did have a bit of a spat during the movie though. She doesn't think that Jake Ryan is all that hot. Well, she did appreciate him at the end when he's walking up to the church looking all smokin' and with the Porsche behind him and all. But otherwise I think she kept hoping that Samantha would end up with Farmer Ted. I have no words. JAKE RYAN!!! So hot. Feel free to throw your support behind Jake and I in the comments section. Because, really. Jake Ryan is so hot.

I made her watch the final kissing over the cake scene a couple of times and then sent her on her way home to her air conditioned apartment while I showered off New York grime and sweat and headed to bed.

Good times.

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