Friday, August 27, 2004


I love drunk New York. It just makes me smile. Walking home or to the train at a certain point of the night watching all the drunken folks doing their thing. Like the pizza place with the huge line of people looking for a slice or two as hangover prevention (something I should've done as I hurt today and the pizza really did smell so good last night). Or the drunk couple stumbling around and playing a clumsy game of grab-ass on the curb. The cops calmly talking down yet another drunk asshole. People walking to another bar rather than walking home. The occasional family or lone non-drinker dodging the stumbling idiots on their way to wherever. And seeing the differences between the really tired looking single person heading home after the goodbyes versus the groups of people still laughing and being social with the late hour not hitting them yet. And the cabs trolling for people too tired or drunk or rich or all of the above to bother with the train.

And saying goodbye. Long goodbyes with giggling and cigarettes. Or in my group's case, promising to get each other's email addresses through PimpDaddy so we can plan PimpDaddy's October birthday party, complete with strippers. To make up for the less than stellar birthday dinner last year. It sounded like an awesome idea last night.

And the folks waiting for the train. Hee. This one couple kept circling one of the pillars on the platform playing peekaboo. It was adorable. They were cracking up and taking breaks to make out for a minute or two and then the guy would run back behind the pillar and peer out at her. And then the punk rock girl coming down the stairs in her all black outfit holding a pink sparkly hula hoop. I have no idea why. The group of girls in sparkly halter tops looking all sad that they're going home with their girlfriends instead of some hottie in the bar. I just like watching it all. Amusing.

But now it's not so amusing because I feel like poo. I was going to pack and do all kinds of things last night. PimpDaddy, Charlotte and I were just going to do a quick dinner and drinks thing and I was going to be home early. Hah. Dinner didn't really happen, just a little snacking. And way too many drinks. Three apple martinis and two and a half vodka tonics on a not very full stomach. Bad, bad PimpDaddy and Charlotte for letting that happen. But I think I kinda needed it. It was the most relaxed I've been in a couple of weeks. And it was fun conversation. And I met some of Charlotte's old coworkers and one of PimpDaddy's current coworkers and there was lots of chatting and laughing and talk of strippers. A good night. Now if only I could be home in bed right now.

My train's not until 7:37. Maybe when everyone leaves I can sack out on my boss's couch for an hour. Hmmm...

Okay, now, for another mention of Sheena - to continue to make up for not mentioning her enough before apparently. She adopted a child from India through one of those adopt a child in a foreign nation programs that Sally Struthers is so fond of. Actually I think she used the exact one Sally used to pitch for. And she has a cute diabetic dog named Jack who is a papillon chihuahua mix. He's very cute. They both are. Jack & the kid. Sheena is okay too I guess. Anyway, she has photos of them up all over her desk and we call them her little family. I think for Christmas she needs to piece together some kind of portrait studio type portrait with her, the kid, the dog and the boyfriend. Cute, right?

Ow. My head. My tummy. WHINE!

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