Monday, November 19, 2007

Parents and Cleaning and Football

The folks hit town today. And apparently the apartment passed muster. Oh glorious day. Initially I was going to do nothing but clean this weekend. But then I made plans for Sunday to see Muppet, whom I hadn't seen in a couple of weeks. And then I made plans for Saturday afternoon. And then Saturday night JBJ called up to say, "Hey, wanna see Blade Runner tonight?" And obviously that is an invitation that can't be turned down. And so, not as much time at home as I wanted.

But, I ran the roomba lots, scrubbed the bathroom, made sure the catbox was very clean (just for Daddy), made sure there were surfaces and empty hangers (just for Mommy) and hoped for the best.

And somehow I managed to go the whole weekend without watching football. Honestly, I haven't done that since the season started. Sorry, Mom, but between Monkey Man, Vader and the Erogenous Vulcan I've become quite the little football viewer. I'm even finding I like it. I just don't have a team. I root for the Patriots and the Jets sometimes because I went to Wesleyan. I root for Florida because of Vader, the Giants because of the Erogenous Vulcan, the Steelers because of Monkey Man, the Colts and IU because of Daddy... but I don't have a team to really call my own. College or NFL. Gotta figure out that one out. Any advice and suggestions are welcome. The Muppets say to go for a local team as it's a bitch to root for an out of town team. But, I don't plan on being in New York forever and I already will have to worry about being a Yankees fan outside the city. I just don't know.

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