Friday, April 16, 2004

Damn Blogger

Can't believe the damn thing isn't working. Now I'm going to have to update the link on my homepage to remove the www since that seems to be the bad page now. works fine, does not. So annoying. But I'm not actually paying for the blog space so maybe I should just quit my bitching. I just don't want to have to update my home page. But I need to. Maybe I'll blow off cleaning my apartment tonight and will just spend the time scanning and uploading photos. I'm sure some folks would appreciate that. But then, the apartment does need some work and my weekend is rapidly filing up. And really, Rock Star Fran's boyfriend's birthday party is tonight and that would be a fun thing to do... Too many choices. My life is oh so hard. Though actually, I'm leaning towards the photo thing. I want photos on my homepage! I hardly took any at Steph's party and that makes me sad. I fear that the slacking involved in not displaying my photos has been intruding upon my desire to take photos and that's just wrong.

I'm just babbling now. I'll stop.

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