Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Watching the Debates

Despite my fear of Cheney, I'm watching the Vice Presidential Debates on TV right now. I mentioned my fear of Cheney earlier today to a friend. I was scared to watch the debates because I thought he might come through my TV and eat me or something. He told me I needed to get a Cheney screen for my TV to prevent that. This amused me. Of course, I now worry that writing this will put me on some list. I don't know. Is it okay to say the Vice-President scares me?

I just did a google search on "Cheney scares me" and all kinds of stuff came up. Hopefully I will be okay. He hasn't climbed through my TV screen yet...

It also seems that my Alma Mater is having a phone-a-thon tonight, calling and asking for money from Alums. Huh, I wonder if going to Wesleyan has me on a list already. Now I'll be on a list of Wesleyan alums who publicly (semi-publicly) express their fear of Cheney. Ooooh, another google... Something called Cheerleader News came up. I'm putting google away now.

Anyway. Someone from

Oh, whatever, Cheney. Like your administration gives a crap about women. This administration hates the vagina and would like to lock it up somewhere rather than letting women have control of their own bodies and wow I cannot get started on this right now.

ANYWAY. Wesleyan calls asking for money. I said now wasn't a good time and the woman on the phone laughed and said I was watching the debates, huh? Apparently everyone she's called is watching the debates. At first that made me smile being all glad that my fellow Wesleyanites are all into the debates and what's going on and all. And then I wondered what dumbasses decided that the night of the only Vice-Presidential debate of this oh so close and oh so important election would be a good night for a phone-a-thon. Silliness.

This stuff makes me so twitchy. Really. I'm glad the first debate tightened the race and that makes me happy. But reading about the election and watching these debates just makes me so tense. I'm truly terrified that Bush will win again. It's possible. And it scares the crap out of me. I fear losing my rights. I fear what horrible things this country might inflict on other nations under this administration. I fear being a non-married, non-straight, non-Christian woman in this country with Bush as a president again for a final term. I fear being asked to give up more freedom in exchange for a kind of security that I don't want and am not sure is effective. I love this country. Always have and I can't imagine me ever fleeing it. But I can also see how attractive the urge to run to Canada might be. They do have Television Without Pity there. But it's cold. But no Bush.

Dammit this election scares me. This administration scares me. And a screen for my TV might keep Cheney from coming though and eating me, but it's not going to help me or anyone if Bush wins.

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