Sunday, January 02, 2005

Happy New Year!

I christened my new TiVo yesterday with the Turkish Prison movie. I think they killed Randy Quaid, y'all. Not a cheery movie. But it's going back to Netflix tomorrow and I'll get something a little lighter I think. Anyway, the new TiVo is hooked up and I'm in love with it. I'm not certain, but I think I'm can record stuff from VHS to TiVo and then on to DVD. Gotta look into that as I have some home movies I want to copy to DVD and make lots of copies and send out to people in them. Hopefully. Yay TiVo!

I am a dork.

I've started the new year mostly suffering from jet lag and moping about not being in Hawai'i anymore. Luckily I don't actually believe the way you start the new year actully influences how that year goes. Otherwise 2005 is chock full of napping and runny noses and TiVo and cat cuddling and pajamas. Though, actually, aside from the runny nose that might not be a bad year...

Hawai'i was wonderful and I wish I were there now. I always miss it so much when I leave. I gotta move out there at some point. Turnip and I were talking about it. Being roomies and moving back home. And it sounded so awesome. Gotta do that before my parents leave there to retire in Florida or North Carolina or the RV or whatever. Such a great place.

So, my holidays were awesome. As they were in Hawai'i. Some highlights:

Visiting old haunts like Old Spaghetti Factory and Chiang Mai with Turnip. Hanging with the folks doing nothing. Playing Parcheesi with the folks (we played three times and each of us won once - a Christmas Miracle). Having Dad make me coffee and waffles most mornings. Eating on the Lanai. Watching the baby doves get ready to leave the nest. Spending a fabulous afternoon at Bellows beach with my folks - Mom got some shade time and a walk in, Dad got some of the best boogie boarding waves he's ever had and I got to lay in the sand and worship the sun. Mom's birthday dinner at Verbano's (yummy Stuffed Melezane Alla Sorrentina and Fettucine Alfredo). Swimming and sunning at Kahala. Napping on the beach with Turnip after a Circle Island Tour in the rain. Shave ice at Matsumoto's. Watching the PBS Peter, Paul & Mary Christmas Special with Mom (our tradition). Watching Bad(der) Santa and Dodgeball and 13 Going on 30 (hee!) with Dad. Making Nana's cinnamon rolls with Mom on Christmas morning. Opening all of our gifts and stockings and things and Daddy (for the first time ever I think) having more gifts to open than anyone. Heading to Costco and running out for 'a few items' with Dad lots. Sunning on Magic Island with Turnip feeling about fourteen years old again when both of our mothers called within five minutes of each other just to check on us and our plans and all - so cute. Walking Kapiolani Park with the folks. Cooking and eating Christmas Dinner together. Shopping in Waikiki. Spotting the first matching Muumuu and Aloha Shirt. Watching waves crash on the North Shore. It was a good time. I want to go back. Can I go back?

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