Wednesday, April 07, 2004


Happy Birthday, Steph!

I love my hair. I'm totally vain about it. I think I have awesome hair. The first computer password I ever used (I think) was hair. Seriously. Love my hair. I like the color and the fact that it's straight and all that. I look at myself in the mirror and the rest of me is all eh, but the hair, the hair is awesome. Well, the boobs are impressive too, but that's mostly for the sheer size. But, really, it's all about the hair for me.

I used to hate my hair. I guess it's all part of 'the teenage years' full of self-loathing and all. But I did hate it. I thought it was shit brown colored or too stringy or too boring. You actually can't do too much with it since it's rather straight and shiny and fine. I can't stick chopsticks in it or tie it in a big knot or anything. And perms don't take so well and dyes don't show and making my bangs big requires about two cans of Aqua Net a week. None of which bothers me now but did drive me crazy as a 15 year old in Louisiana. I tried dying it (but not stripping it or bleaching it). I tried perms and weird haircuts. I even had a feathery kinda almost mullet once. And yeah, I had feathered bangs for a brief time in the early 80s. I tried prayer. And then in late high school or so, I realized that my hair was healthy and pretty and awesome and I was just insane. And so, I began a love affair with my hair.

Yeah, I got my hair cut last night. :) And it was shaggy and not hanging properly and I needed to get it done. And if I trim off less than 1 1/2 - 2 inches it just gets shaggy again quickly and doesn't get rid of all the split ends and stuff. And it'll all grow back and then some before I need another trim. Still, I feel so sad and miss my hair now. It's not short, but it feels short. It currently hits the back of my bra and yet it feels like it's only shoulder length. And so, I am in mourning. For my hair.

Let's all have a moment of silence.

And now we will do the Steph Birthday Dance!

Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance. Steph!

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