Friday, July 23, 2004

Oh. My. God.

Someone found my blog by looking for 'thirty birthday spinster'.  I am distraught.  DISTRAUGHT!!!!!  I am an old hag!!!!  I must drink.  Now.  Soon.  Maybe.
Also, someone from freshdirect popped onto my blog while searching for  Do you think they'll ask me to quit linking to them from my dirty, spinstery blog?  Oh my god, I'm a dirty old spinster.  Ew.  I am so gross I can't even talk to me anymore.
Thirty Birthday Spinster.  Kill me.  Muffy and Rugby will be forced to watch me sob into my cheap beer tonight as well as all the IT folks from work.  Because I am Distraught!!!!
Maybe I should just give up on my stats?  This can't be healthy for me.