Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Photographic Memories

Last night I was updating some stuff on my photo links page and started browsing through my older photo folders on my computer. And it made me all nostalgic. I was looking at photos of the second Homecoming after my graduation back in October '97. And I miss the people I used to see all the time and now have no idea where they are. But it did make me smile to think of the friends that I've had since then and saw just this past weekend at Homecoming '04. Like PimpDaddy looking all of 12 years old. And Poodle looking about 10. And Spanky dancing around on a table like the drunken fool she was. And lots of BigD ass shots for some reason. I don't know.

I also saw a lot of great photos of someone who used to be a really good friend of mine and now is not, and that made me a little sad. Actually a lot sad. Thinking of all the relationships that were great and don't exist anymore. I miss some of those friends and boyfriends and whatnots and such. I'm thankful I had those relationships in my life and that I can look back on them fondly and think of how they improved my life and made me happy. All that's great. And I know that if relationships didn't change and fade and grow I wouldn't have the awesome relationships now. And at this moment I wouldn't change a thing about Pumpkin and Muffy and Steph and Turnip and PimpDaddy and Spanky and Muppet and BigD and Buzz and Lovey and RSFran and Vader and my family and others I haven't yet named. Well, I probably would change the amount of time I spend with them if I could get away with not working and having unlimited airfare. But other than that I wouldn't change it. And I probably wouldn't be so close with all of them if I were still so close with other people. Because there's only so much time and energy in a day. And I know that some of them will fade and change a little. But others will grow and folks who are distant now might be closer later. And I'll probably sit around a couple years from now looking over this year's photos getting all moony and silly. And grateful that I take so many damn photos.

Of course I then had a very high schoolesque dream last night about some of the people in my life who now aren't just not close with me but actively dislike me. It was weird. There were lots of girlfriends and plans for a movie but then everyone ate all my nachoes and ditched me while I was taking a quick shower and it was weird. So, no more nostalgia for me this week!

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