Monday, October 25, 2004

I am NOTHING Like Kenny Loggins

Apparently I can't talk about the Red Sox here anymore. First of all, it seems to only encourage them to win. Which is not good. Plus, I now have a ton of folks stumbling upon this site while searching for something along the lines of 'Red Sox flash boobie'. I don't want to know.

I kind of dread the Red Sox winning the World Series because it's fun to taunt. I love having Red Sox fan friends and the whole rivalry and chanting "1918" and the Red Sox always being the underdogs and so on and so forth. So, I'm kinda rooting for the Cardinals now. Because I don't want my fun times to change. And because I don't want to hear about it for the next year. And because I don't want this curse to end as it's fun. I think it's a little fun for the Red Sox fans, even. Or not. Certainly not for the team...

But it would be really exciting for my friends if they won and I kinda want them to have that happiness. Especially JBeth who has been waiting for this for close to a million years. Though if it was going to have to happen in my lifetime it probably would've been cooler last year with a Cubs/Red Sox series. Anyway, enough about baseball...

This past weekend I went to Wesleyan's Homecoming for hanging and drinking and board meetings and PUPPY. It was a good time. Though I really do wish people would quit telling me I'm old. The guys of '52, '53 and '54 were awesome about telling me how not old I was, so big love for them. Though they did then start singing a really dirty song after that and kinda scared me some.

But it was a fun time. Diner runs, staying at the always classy Super 8, thinking inappropriate thoughts about undergraduates, dancing, playing with the cutest puppy in the world, hanging in front of the fire with girlfriends, catching up with folks I only see once or twice a year when we all come back to Alpha Delt, singing ridiculous songs with people, complaining about 'kids today' in a mostly joking manner, getting dressed for dinner... things like that. All good stuff. It's also nice to show up somewhere for a weekend and have lots of people shriek and smile and hug you as soon as they see you. It's nice to feel like people are actually excited to see you again. Lots and lots of people.

I like being loved. I dig it. The most. Love and attention make me so happy. I don't actually require it. I'm not really insecure. In fact, I'm rather cocky and egotistical, I think. But it's nice. It's nice to know that other folks think I'm as fun and pretty and smart and sassy as I think I am. Big D laughed at me in the car yesterday because I said that I respected people who liked me. He thought that was funny. But yeah, it's nice to occasionally get mad love to counteract all the folks who think I'm a loud, obnoxious tool.

Rock Star Fran just compared me to Kenny Loggins. She is no longer the kewlist person I know at the moment and might not be kewler than Britney Spears now. Kenny freakin' Loggins.

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