Friday, November 05, 2004

What I Want To Be When I Grow Up

So tired. People are mean and keep making me go out and stuff. It's horrible. My life is very, very hard. I tried to convince Monkey Man of this today. And suggested he be nice to me because of it. And he just mocked me. So mean.

Last night was a bit of music. Lovey and I went to see Iolanthe and Lovey's boyfriend perform in/lead one of the pieces at the The Lark Ascending's most recent event. Parts of it were enjoyable, parts of it were dull, parts of it were really, really long. Iolanthe was lovely and looked fabulous. I wish I could've heard her better, but another performer was quite loud which made that a bit of a problem. It was still fun and it was nice getting to meet Lovey's man. I now know he exists. Which means I have to stop putting quotes around his name. Which makes me sad. I think the fun of meeting him outweighs the sad of losing the quotes though.

I had forgotten how pretentious performers and their patrons can seem though. I'm a theatre major/actressy type and I can totally bring the drama. I know this. But that's not who I hang out with these days so I kind of forgot that I'm not the most melodramatic person on the planet. There are folks out there who take it to whole new levels. Some of the faces some of these folks were making while speaking or reading or singing or taking their bows were pretty precious. It made me smile.

In other EXCITING news, I had my work review yesterday. And it kind of played like a High School Guidance Counselor session. We spent 1-2 minutes actually reviewing my year's performance. While Lovey and I both agree that my attitude has worsened over this year, my bosses feel I am much improved with that over the previous year and overall think I do a fabulous job. Though I tend to 'lose focus' from time to time on tasks that are boring and repetitive. Which I agree with. And which I actually said (I just typed that as sed because I am a moron) in my self evaluation. All very unexciting. Then we moved on to how I need to come up with career goals so we can all work to find a job or a career path, with the company, for me to follow. It was all really odd. I don't know what to make of it. I don't think I want to stay here, but it's kind of strange for them to take an interest after all this time. Though I did get a strong feeling that they don't think I'm well educated or qualified for too much. I kept getting the impression that they were hearing "BA from Wesleyan University" as "Associates Degree from Wesleyan Community College". And they don't seem to think much of community college - because folks are a touch elitist here. Anyway, I'm mulling that over now while Muppet is fussing at me to get my resume in gear and get it to her so I can start looking for something outside of this place. We'll see.

I'm mostly in a good mood right now. I'm still very upset about the election. I still feel sad that more people don't seem to agree with me on the state of our country and the need for Bush to be out of office. I still feel sad that eleven states are proud to say that people can be denied rights based on their sexuality. But, I'm starting to feel good about going out there and doing things about it. More things about it. And that makes me a little hopeful. Plus, I've been spending a lot of time with my friends who do agree with me and who do see things like I do, at least broadly speaking. And who also plan to continue to try to make changes. And all that is awesome. Plus I just like hanging out with my friends because they rock. And they help keep me happy. Even though one of them keeps telling me of these awesome guys she meets, offers to hand them off to me and then jumps them herself. So mean. Not happy making.

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