Wednesday, March 23, 2005


I just won a ticket for the matinee of Spamalot in an office contest. My boss says I MUST go. So, while y'all are sitting at work dozing at your desks in a post-lunch daze I'll be enjoying the brilliance of Monty Python, Tim Curry, David Hyde Pierce and assorted others. You want my rock star life. Don't lie.

Monday, March 21, 2005

And I always thought my bad taste came from Dad...

I just wanted to share with you all that my Mom watched Spring Break Shark Attack last night. Hee hee hee. I did not. Hee.

Oh, wait. Maybe this is my fault. I made her watch New York Minute and she's just going downhill from there...

This weekend at a birthday dinner Breakfast at Tiffany's came up and I said I loved that movie. And Lovey was shocked. Because being all open about my love of trashy film and television has led some people to believe that I only like trash. Very upsetting. I may have to go closeted with my love of Silk Stalkings and the like.