Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Vader made me watch this the other day (NSFW unless you watch it without sound, which is pointless). And along with the Robin Sparkles video it's become our favorite youtube thing ever. And I have no idea why. It's so bizarre. But it becomes more and more awesome with every viewing. So at my holiday party on Saturday we kept quoting it all night. And making everyone else watch it. To share the bizarre, as we like to do. We also started making up our own horribly offensive versions that tie into other horribly offensive jokes we have going, but I won't share that with y'all. Because despite what my closest friends might get to see from time to time, I am a really nice person. Honest!

We also wondered who the hell would come up with such madness, so the next day, having no holiday crap to do, I did some research (which took all of two minutes) and it turns out it's from this guy. Who has other songs and videos. And t-shirts. I almost bought a t-shirt. Instead I settled for buying the album from iTunes.

Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy the madness as much as Vader and I did. Or do. I'm sure we'll be saying "shoes," "deck" and "betch" all through our breakfast date tomorrow. We need help.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Post Holiday Party

So, my party is over, my cards are mailed (none of you apparently want cards for yourself), my gifts are mailed and I'm feeling like I have nothing to do. I do have things on my to do list, but until I pack for my trip to North Carolina there isn't anything I MUST DO like there was before. Bizarre. I'm sure I'll adjust.

My holiday party was nice. And fun. Vader showed up early as she often does and helped me clean and prep. Iolanthe and Muffy showed up a little later and helped too. Though there wasn't much left to do as being unemployed helps one stay on top of things. Lots of folks showed up early and then dashed off so that the party had wound down by about 11. Though the last guests didn't leave until 1. It was a small mellow kind of thing.

It was fun. I got to catch up with some folks and didn't spend nearly enough time with others. Lots of cookies were consumed, though not enough. I have plenty to take with me to Raleigh at least. The family will be happy. I might pawn the rest off on Lovey to share with folks at my old job. They always complained about my cookie baking so maybe it'll be my little revenge for my unemployment. The unemployment I've kind of been loving. :)

I guess now I just have to kick back and enjoy the holidays. And my friends. And my family. Not a hard thing to do.