Wednesday, December 31, 2003

After not sleeping the night before last due to jet lag and such, why did I think it was wise to stay up until 2:30AM chatting last night. When I had to be at work today. Though I am starting to wonder about that. I was the first one here at 9:15AM and I'm still waiting for a couple of folks to show up about half an hour later. Maybe I didn't even have to come in. Hmmmmm.... I do have thank you notes to write though.

Having houseguests has made me forget somewhat about the evils of not being in Hawai'i. One houseguest was recently in Miami and the other in Belize so we can all whine together about the cold and lack of beach. WHINE. And we can also drink margaritas and eat cheesy Mexican food and feel better because we're together in the cold and having fun celebrating the Old & New years. Though I do not know how I'm supposed to stay awake until midnight tonight as my nap time is being taken up with pedicures with the girls (and maybe S). Hmmmmm... Yeah, pedicure is way more important. Because I'm wearing the cute open toed shoes that go with the jacket I got in Chinatown last week.

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