Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Bring on the Party Boys

I am trying to resume my life again after the Ah-nold conference of doom. We still have some wrap up to handle but I think I can actually have a life again. I'm so very excited. I've missed hanging with my friends and watching lots of TiVo and snuggling with the kitties. Though I also have to get back to the responsible stuff like work for the board I'm on and paying bills and worrying about other people and all that. Which is annoying. Maybe I'll just become a complete flake. I think that's something I'd like to pursue. Any pointers?

The conference went really well. I didn't sleep for a week and am still having Ah-nold nightmares, but I think it was worth it. I do actually like this conference in some ways. It's one of the few times each year when I get respect and appreciation at work. Lots of people from all over tell Lovey and I what a great job we're doing. They go out of their way to tell us how well things are going or how much they getting out of the event or how professional parts of it are. When we ask for things, so many people jump up and are ready to get us whatever we need. People act as if we're intelligent and talented and capable. They hardly EVER do that outside of this conference.

I'm such a whore in that regard. It's kind of like people who will giggle and do anything for someone who tells them they're pretty. I'm the same way with a twist. If you can convince me that you think I'm intelligent, capable and even occasionally indispensable I will probably bend over backwards to do what you want. But I have a decent bullshit detector so you really have to sell it well. You can't just toss off a few compliments and then bask in my complete servitude.

Maybe it's because I'm fat now and don't buy it or because I heard it often enough growing up, but telling me I'm pretty doesn't do much for me. Tell me I'm brilliant and I'm putty in your hands. So sad.

Anyway, the conference went well and lots of people told Lovey and I that we were amazing so I'm pretty happy. We had fabulous client attendance and things went well and all is right with the world. And I made lots of money for credit card payments and VEGAS 2005!!!! WOO!

Those of you I owe work and phone calls and all that, remind me now and I'll get right on it. And future blogging can focus on things other than work and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Yay!!!!

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