Thursday, August 25, 2005

I'm That Girl

I have become that girl. The one who is obsessed with her weight and food and exercise and calories. The one who used to be interesting and funny and talked about sex a little too much but is now boring and looks at your cheeseburger as if she's counting how many calories it is and how many grams of saturated fat it contains and is thinking of how much she'd like to eat it RIGHT NOW.

I am so, so sorry. For my friends, for anyone who reads this blog, for anyone who works near me or sits near me in a restaurant. So, so sorry. Because now I just babble about what I'm eating or my latest grocery delivery or how many calories lawn mowing and weeding burn and how I'm healthy but won't be in a few years and how I really need to be careful about saturated fats and sodium and OH MY GOD SHUT ME UP!!!!!!

I want to talk about books and things I've done recently and travel and stuff like that. I haven't read a whole magazine in months and haven't touched From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler in days. I'm too obsessed with planning menus and weeding and planning walking schedules. But, it's not like it's a hard book that takes weeks to finish or sucks up huge amounts of time. I actually love it and have read it a million times. Whenever I read it I start talking about how cool it would be to live in the Met and what I would do. And then I start wondering if there are other museums I'd like living in more and ponder if they'd really have sheets on a bed in a museum. Though when I do that, it takes very little time before people call me a dork and run away. So maybe it's better that I talk about calories than that? I don't know. I just worry about me.

I just met up with Charlotte for coffee and chatting. Haven't seen her in ages and she's going to be working in my 'hood now. And the first thing I started talking about when she asked how I was... Yup, you guessed it. My doctor's visit and my weight and how I've lost 11 pounds and am eating healthier and walking more and sitting on my ass less and OH MY GOD SHUT ME UP!!!!! Though, after I got that out of my system and she nodded politely and said the right things we moved on to other topics like work and gossip and sex and wedding stuff and fall plans. So that's something. Still, I worry about me. Becoming so damn boring.

Don't even THINK about writing to tell me I was boring before.

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