Wednesday, August 31, 2005


I have a lot of friends and family down South. No direct friends and family in New Orleans, but friends of friends and such down there. And I love the city so much. I was even planning on heading down there next Spring for Jazz Fest and really looking forward to it. And it's so hard to think of everything going on down there right now.

Most of my friends and family have gotten in touch and are okay overall. But a lot of them have had to leave their homes and aren't sure when they're going to get back. And they're worried a lot about the people still there. A friend of mine described the damage to New Orleans as "devastating" and urged a bunch of us to donate to the Red Cross if we can. So I'm passing that along.

It just seems so weird to know what's going on down there and to get emails and calls from friends but to be so far removed from it. All Katrina has given New York is a lot of humidity. And everyone at work going on about the economic implications. It just seems unreal and no matter how much film I see, I can't wrap my head around it. This morning my Mom started talking about how she doesn't think New Orleans will ever be the same and that she's glad we went so many times and that we'll have those memories.

I want to send my thoughts and prayers, but don't know what to wish for. So much has already happened. I guess I just hope that everything goes as well as it can from here on out and people are able to salvage a lot of their homes and lives, and that the death toll isn't too high.

Update: Not all of my family and friends are accounted for yet. But they're in areas that are without phone service and such. And hopefully we would've heard by now if things were serious. My friend in Baton Rouge says it's horrible down there and, "I would say the best thing to do is to have you and your friends make monetary donations to the red cross - they are begging for them down here." Give if you can.


r_ness said...

Hope that when you finally do hear from them, all your family and friends are okay.

Manda said...

Thanks. I appreciate that. The odds are they're doing well. I wish the same could be said for everyone.