Thursday, September 08, 2005

More of My Rock Star Life

I am in desperate need of a vacation. So bad. The long weekend was lovely, but not nearly long enough.

I headed to Branford in Connecticut to hang with Pumpkin, Fishboy and Pumpkin's aunt. She has a cute little house right by the beach so most of the weekend was spent walking dogs, sleeping and lazing around the beach with a
book. It was great to see all of them and to catch up on sleep and dog time. We also watched Super Size Me which made me grateful that I'm currently working on eating healthier and also made me reconsider ever eating McDonald's fries again. In one of the DVD extras Spurlock puts various Mickey D products in glass canisters to see what happens compared to a standard restaurant burger and fries. Ten Weeks later everything else had molded but the fries. They looked exactly the same as they did when he got them. So disturbing to me. We also watched Monster-In-Law as well, but the less said about that the better. I think I'd rather eat the fries than see that again. And I love Jane Fonda and topless Michael Vartan. So very sad.

The beach was awesome, though. Just laying around talking a little, swimming a little, reading a little and dozing a little was great. We had good weather, lots of sun and one visit by the ice cream man. Monday was the prettiest day and it sucked to have to leave early to head home. It's been a while since I was in Hawai'i for any length of time and I didn't realize how much I missed just laying around in the sunshine with the sound of waves and water birds and people playing around on the beach. I need to get outside more. New York is making me a pasty, doughy, indoors girl and I don't like it.

This week has been pretty busy. Lots going on at work now that the summer is over and we have to get back to being more productive. Which sucks. As I hate my job. Plus lots of friend time. Late dinner at
Gravy with Maggie on Tuesday and then a bit of a walk searching for the mythical bus that goes almost straight to her 'hood from mine. Turns out it's not so mythical but it does stop running around 9something at night. But now we know. For the future. Though the bus does scare me a little. I'm so comfortable with the subway now that I've forgotten all I knew of bus etiquette.

Tuesday was also my first dentist visit in about 7 or 8 years. What a way to kick of the day after Labor Day. It was pretty bad and apparently two "quadrants" needed deep cleaning as opposed to the regular kind. Who knows. But it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. And we were all (me, dentist, hygenist and receptionist - VERY friendly dental office) quite pleased that my teeth are pretty good and I have no cavities. Now I just have to decide what I want to do about my wisdom teeth.

Last night Vader came over for pizza, beer and
Veronica Mars. I was one of the seven folks who watched and loved it last season and Vader (as well as PimpMama) got into it through reruns this summer. I've been TiVoing a few for her over the summer and kept the season finale on TiVo so we could watch a bunch of them together. Last night was the second to last episode so I had her over to watch that and then the finale. She's hooked and we now have only 20 days until the premiere. Woo.

The rest of the week involves walking (still obsessing over weight & diet), making cupcakes, TiVo catch up and an alumni board meeting. Because I am that exciting. That damn exciting.

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