Sunday, December 02, 2007

NYC Snow

Snow in New York City is an interesting thing. I think it's gorgeous for the first hour or so. The city looks so pretty with everything covered in white. Hiding all the ugly stuff, highlighting the pretty parts. And things get so much quieter with the snow. Walking through the city with snow falling is such a peaceful time. And my neighbors are big fans of making praying snowmen with angel wings. How can you not love that?

But then the plows come and push all the snow into piles that turn to ice. People walk all over it and make it slushy and then icy with their foot steps. Dogs (& people) pee and poop everywhere. And dog owners seem less interested in poop scooping in the snow (& people never scoop their own poop). With all the walking required in the city it becomes a pain tromping all over that snow and ice, and wearing pretty shoes on the street is right out.

That's one of the reasons I love having a backyard. The snow stays pretty back there for a while. The footprints made out there are by cats or birds or me. And I can enjoy the snow all I want without worry. During the first snowfall after I moved to this apartment I ran outside and made a snow angel. And giggled like a four year old the whole damn time.

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