Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Birthday Week

I was just now sitting at my desk feeling sorry for myself. Like a four year old.

It has been a rough year for me this past year, for a multitude of reasons. But rather than thinking about any of that, I was finding myself thinking, "no one wants to come celebrate my birthday with me." Which is both untrue and, in the grand scheme of things, such a small thing anyway. I mean, I have both of my parents healthy and alive. I'm rather healthy (despite my inability to get off my fat ass and lose weight). I have a job that is good overall, despite the whining I've been doing about it (in my head) lately. I have good friends, a lovely cat (no matter what y'all say about her), an apartment and backyard I love, a life in New York that suits me for now, a loving family, a steady paycheck and respect from my job, all that good stuff. And yet... "no one is coming to my birthday party."

But, Vader is coming. Bon Jovi is coming. Lovey is coming. The Erogenous Vulcan will be there. Sheena should be there. It's not like I'll be sitting home alone crying into deviled eggs or anything. Granted a large number of my invitees are NOT coming, but still, people will be there. And Vader, apparently appalled I wasn't doing Birthday Week on my own,* seems to have decided to have a Birthday Week for me in spite of myself.

Ma & Pa Vader were in town this weekend so we all dined together Sunday night. And it was lovely. I haven't seen them in over two decades so it was good to catch up. Monday night I was cleaning and putzing and Vader came over to hang and eat diner food with me. Last night Vader, Bon Jovi, Lovey & I all went to see Xanadu on Broadway (which I cannot recommend enough). And it was even more awesome than when Vader and I saw it last year on the first night of previews. Tonight Vader and the Erogenous Vulcan and I will be watching some documentary and making fun of Star Wars fans while hopefully eating Mac & Cheese. Tomorrow night Steph is in town!!!!! And so a few of us are getting together for dinner and drinks on my actual bday. And I will have fruity cocktails at the Zombie Hut, avoiding the Singapore Slings - I hear they're deadly. And Friday was to be cleaning and cooking and waiting for Fresh Direct but Vader is dragging my but out for mani/pedis right after work and before my groceries arrive. Which should be lovely. And then Saturday will be my party. And even if hundreds of people do not show up for it, at least a handful of lovely people will be there. To drink with and eat deviled eggs with and make snarky comments with and laugh with and look at my costumed lawn flamingo with...

So, I'm going to stop being a baby and be very grateful for what I have.

If only I could figure out how to reverse the aging process for these birthdays.

*My last big Birthday Week was for my 30th and I haven't had the energy to do such a massive one since. So, I think massive Birthday Weeks will be every five years, with mini ones in between. So, y'all get ready for the big 3 - 5 next year.


Maggie said...

I love you and I look forward to the big 3-5. Also to seeing you soon in NH!

Anonymous said...

your b-day was amazing! all that worry for nothing :)
