Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Back a million years ago I experienced two women I referred to as Touching Temp and Touching Temp Two. They worked near me and ALWAYS had to touch me. Drove me batty. Whenever they had to talk to me for any reason, they'd come over and touch me while they were talking to me. One time Touching Temp came up right behind me when I wasn't paying attention and put her hand on my bare (I like a good tank top from time to time) shoulder and leaned right into my ear. So creepy. I jumped a foot. Ugh.

I'm a very touchy feely person, but I just hate people touching me when I don't know them. You have to earn my love and respect (or at least lust) before you've earned the right to put your hands all over me. Hate that unearned touching.

Anyway, today we have a Talking Temp in the area. No matter what's going on, she wants to chat. I put my headphones on (usually a sign that you don't want to talk and just want to deal with your work) and she still tried chatting with me. At one point when I was ignoring her, she threw a paper clip at me. She. Threw. A Paperclip. At Me. Because she's five apparently. I just don't care for her chatter right now. I want to do my work, get my Christmas Cards done and be on my way to Hawai'i. She seems very nice and interesting and all, but hush up, woman.

I'm such a hateful person. Y'all should stop being my friends.

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