Tuesday, February 17, 2004

I remember when I was a young lass and had tons of slumber parties. My little girl friends would come over and we'd have dinner and do slumber party things and then sleep and then have breakfast and hang out and watch TV all day and finally they'd leave in the early afternoon. And I would feel so deflated. I'd just want to crawl into my bed and cry because I'd been surrounded by tons of people and having all this fun and all this constant stimulation and now I was alone. It passed quickly, but it's that total let down feeling. You know? I still feel that way, just to a less dramatic degree. And I kinda felt that way this morning. I had a great weekend with my parents and then this morning we all had to get up early and I had to send them on their way and then I had to go out in the freezing cold and come into the office and blech. How can you not feel a little deflated? I guess thinking about the three day week and my Vegas weekend coming up would help, huh?

But the weekend was good. After a million plane mishaps the folks finally got in around 2AM Saturday morning. I'd made up all the beds and so after some hugs and hellos we all passed out. Saturday was totally lazy. Dad ran out and got the biggest rib roast I've ever seen and otherwise we worked on the new computer (Mom got my email problem fixed, yay!) and zoned. Cleared off a lot of TiVo and worked at eating at least the fresh food from my three thousand pound food delivery. Then a lovely Valentine's Day dinner (with flowers from Daddy) and a round of The Game of LIFE. I won. Of course. Dad still isn't over the part of the game where I traded my $80,000 salary card for his $100,000 salary card. Big baby.

Sunday we loafed again. Some cleaning and putzing and the like. Then off to Muffy & Steph's house (bringing board games and part of my three thousand pounds of groceries) for dinner and Walt Disney World Monopoly (got my butt handed to me by Mom) and Trivial Pursuit. Dorky folks that we are.

Monday... there was a little bit of loafing and then it was out to run errands. We went to the big apple store in SoHo to get the one piece needed to start setting up the new iPod. Mom liked the Genius Bar there but was a bit miffed to see it was staffed entirely with boys. Then I dragged 'em to Otto's where we drank lots of wine and stuffed ourselves stupid. Mom recommends the Calzone if you go. Then we headed to the liquor store and the kitchen store (I now own sushi oven mits - let your jealousy go wild) and home. For loafing and iPod fixing. Good times.

Now, I prepare for Vegas. So excited. We have a to do list already. You wish you were going too don't you?

Star Trek: The Experience
Being Drunk
Drinking Buildings
Stratosphere in the daylight
Hard Rock Cafe
Drinking a Parrot
Buffet/Viva Las Vegas/Elvis Impersonator
Nudie show
Elvis Slots
Blackjack Table for at least a couple of hands
Family Feud Slots
Jacuzzi time
Magic Act
Bellagio water show

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