Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Lately I keep thinking about all the things I'm going to do when I win the lottery. Not that I've ever played the lottery. Well, I did once when a coworker was going to get tickets and I gave her a dollar to get me one. But I haven't since then. Yet I still think of what I'm going to do with the millions once I have them, as if it's a done deal. It's a lovely little fantasy, but I don't know that it's helping me move forward in my real life much.

I mostly think of the travel, how I'll decorate my gorgeous Brooklyn brownstone (with flat TVs, two TiVos at least and a library - bliss), what Hawai'i place I'll buy for the folks and I, how happy Dad will be to get his RV and so on...

Sometimes I think of inheriting it. Even though I really don't know anyone with as much money as I inherit in this fantasy. And also I eventually feel guilty over the fact that someone will be dead in order for me to get these piles of money and things. So strange.

Maybe it's time for me to slim down and start looking for that trophy wife position. Or put my brilliance to work and make my own millions. Or just suck it up and enjoy the life I have. One of those three.

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