Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Updates & such

Y'all. She was out working in the yard this morning. In the rain. She bought seeds to make grass grow. I just don't know what to say. I think I'm going to let her do whatever she wants in the yard as long as I can have my hammock. That much dedication. And the fact that it seems like she doesn't want to stone up the whole yard... Well, I just can't fight that. I'll just enjoy it. I wonder if she'll let me plant my sunflower seeds...

None of has procured me a new job. What's wrong with you? And no more of that prostitution talk from you folks who like to comment. It doesn't appeal so much and PimpDaddy hasn't actually made me any money anyway so... Now, write me a sassy resume and get me a new job, people!

I have been SUCH a slacker when it comes to class. I blame Spring Fever. It's just so much fun to be out in the sunshine and warm weather that I just don't want to go to class. Plus I've gotten into all these projects at home that I want to work on (yes, there may be some new photos on my homepage by early May -really) as well as lots of Spring Cleaning and such. But I'll start going again by Friday. I figure by then I'll really start to miss it. I think. I don't know.

You can now get condoms and tampons and diet wild cherry pepsi from Fresh Direct. Now if only they'd add on Gimme Lean, Raspberry Crystal light and drawstring kitchen trashbags. Then life would be perfect.

I have a stats monitor on this page now. The extent of Muffy & Steph's obsession with me is a little frightening. And someone from Japan actually accessed the page. Weird... I don't know anyone in Japan right now. There are strangers on the page! I wonder if this blog makes more or less sense the more or less you know me.

Now that the fun times of Steph's birthday week is wearing off I'm starting to get excited for my own Birthday Week. (Yes, my Birthday Week is capitalized and Steph's is not.) Hopefully the yard will be pretty in time for houseguests and the big bash on the 19th and maybe there will be a hammock present. Birthday Week is so exciting. I'm wondering if I can call in sick or take a personal day during Birthday Week. And/Or if I can get out of work early on Monday for the Bryant Park movie. I like doing that during Birthday Week. If the movies have even started by then... I can't see anything on the calendar yet for June... but hey, Muffy - World Tai Chi Day on Saturday!

Finally got to read with Beyonce today. She was on Spring Break for a week and a half and I've missed her. We discussed her birthday. She got $52 overall and is saving it towards a digital camera. How cute is that? I wish I could buy her one. Rules are stupid. She also got to go to Applebees and loved it. Then we read more of A Little Princess and then busted out the mad math skills. Good times.

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