Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Egomaniacal Dork (and her pants) - you might not enjoy this one, Dad

That's my new title pertaining to my Birthday Week Obsession. It's all about ME, baby.

Today someone told me I had a nice ass. Always fun to hear. Well, usually fun to hear. And he's the third person to tell me my butt looks good in these pants. I am never taking these pants off. I'm living in these pants. I'm spending all of birthday week in these pants. Actually, I have three pairs of these pants, all very similar except one pair is grey. I think I can switch between the same three pairs of pants for the rest of my life, right? Because I got the last two on the sale rack and they ain't makin' these kinda pants anymore. So these have to last forever. Because It's almost always nice hearing I got a nice ass.

I attempted a back kick at the bag for the first time in class yesterday. I'm not good at it but it was fun. And that should help my ass look even better, right? Lots of the kicking.

I think I should go out tonight and flirt with strangers while standing. Since I'm already wearing the pants and all it seems a shame to just waste them at work where I sit all damn day long. And then to just go home and change so I can plant bushes. Happy Hour with my Pants! Maybe I should go to lunch several blocks away so my pants and I can walk and enjoy the sunshine. Excellent idea. Where is Rock Star Fran?

Cooked uterus, my ass, my vagina... This is getting excessive. I think the next entry I'm not going to mention a single body part. I really didn't start out planning to make this all about my ass.

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