Thursday, April 29, 2004

I hate pimples

Super Fun Week is almost over and it makes me sad. Today is really the last full day of super fun week. Because Friday is the Friday Report day and that's never fun. So I just have to enjoy today as much as possible. Woo. And it's a lovely day too. So I think I'm running outdoor errands this afternoon and leaving at five. Yes, my sexy rock star life.

So, the grill guy downstairs asked me out. Well, he asked me if I wanted to take him out. I think that counts as being asked out though. I told him I'd think about it. I don't know. He doesn't really thrill me. But he seems like a really sweet guy. It's not like it would be the end of the world if we grabbed dinner or something. He does always remember that I like egg whites, broccoli & American cheese on a croissant (wrap if the croissants are all gone) each morning. But I don't know. Why bother going out with someone who doesn't thrill you? Also, he has to be nutty. I do not look good today. Saggy pants, my hair is acting up and I'm totally breaking out like a fiend. Seriously. I would not ask me out today and I'm kinda half in love with me.

Next week is going to suck so hard. Grrrr...

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