Monday, April 26, 2004


All the big bosses are out this week so I'm hoping this will be the best work week ever. We've planned movie screenings and macaroni craft hours. Good times ahead I think. Well, maybe not. But I should be able to catch up on email and Television Without Pity and Taekwon Do and so on and so forth. Woo. The excitement.

The weekend was good. I wasn't feeling so hot for most of it, but the enforced home time was good. Saturday was lovely and I spent time in the back yard. Talked with my neighbor and everything is all good with the back. She's apparently just been bitten by the gardening bug and is trying stuff out. And the yard has been neglected for a long time so we're just going to play it by ear now and see if we can get grass in there and maybe some good shade plants. And if we've ruined it beyond repair by June, my friend Jo at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden said she'd check it out and maybe fix whatever we've done then and get us sod and the like. We'll see. But I'm very hopeful for a decent yard by the time my big birthday bash rolls around. Though I will have to go yard furniture shopping...

I also cleared off a lot of TiVo and started cleaning up digital photos and getting them online. Amazing huh? I'm kind of on a roll. Though the 150+ photos from Christmas in Hawai'i almost killed me. Luckily there aren't so many photos for December.

My god, I am the most boring woman alive. Gah.

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