Monday, June 07, 2004


Today is not a pretty day. I feel all puffy from the sinus thing. And apparently my face has decided that it's 'embrace acne' day or something. So many little red pimples all over my face that I just want to cry. Because if I can't look pretty. What's the point in going on? Really. I hope my body is just trying to get this all out of it's system so I can look pretty and be healthy for birthday week. Otherwise. I just don't know.

I'm trying to decide what booze to have at the BBQ. I have good scotch, whiskey and bourbon and am trying to decide if I need lesser quality scotch, whiskey and bourbon for the tacky BBQ set. I do have enough tequila, vodka, rum, gin and Kahulua I think. And am not sure what else I need. I have some beer and cider and figure people can bring stuff. I really don't need to go booze shopping at this point, right? And if people want more beer it's not like there aren't tons of options within a block of my pad. Ah, see. Blog decision making.

I'm so Birthday Week obsessed. I pity anyone who comes in contact with me between now and the 11th.

Of course now, I'm worried about feeding people. Fuck it. I don't care. I'm going to have fun and not worry about it.

So, that's done. And now this blog entry is too boring for words. Leave now. And go buy Ed's Shirts Shirts!

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