Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Job Search

I'm often amazed at people who don't know how to do things for themselves. Like people who get all turned around and confused while traveling. They can't seem to do it without a tour group or companion or something. Or people in college who couldn't balance their checkbook. Or people who can't do their own taxes even when they qualify for the EZ form. But really, I shouldn't mock. Because I frankly have no idea about how to look for a job. I sorta know how to write a resume. But that's about it.

I can find a temp gig without a problem. Auditions. That's easy. But job hunting, not so much. I've never really had to do it. Babysitting jobs just found me, what with living on an Air Force Base and all. Lots of kids and such. Then that job as a Continental Go-Getter. I think Dad read about it, brought me an application and viola! I had a job. Then it was temping. Which is so easy to get. Then I came to New York to be an ACTRESS! And we see how well that worked. But no job hunting at the end of college was required. I was just coming to the big city. I'd temp for a couple of years and by then I'd be making a living with acting. Pah!

And this job. I was just a temp and after about two years of refusing all their attempts to hire me full time, I caved. They offered me money and stuff and the acting thing was going nowhere so why not. There were opportunities for education and promotion and it was kind of interesting and then there was the money.

But then things went bad and layoffs became more common than promotions and somehow I got stuck with a group that would rather cut off limbs than promote me out of my current position. I really believe my current bosses would rather fire me than promote me out of my current position. So I developed a bad attitude. I 'embraced the apathy'. And here I am, about to turn 30, in a crappy job that I hate (but doesn't actually pay me too poorly) with no prospects for a real career or promotion or anything. And no huge desire to go back to ACTING as a career (though I really should take it back up as a hobby). And no idea of what I might want to do.

But, I've got to do something. I have to figure out what I want to do. And start looking to see what's out there. I've got to brush up the resume. Start thinking about how much of a pay cut I'd be willing to take in order to have a job that really meant something to me. And I've got to do it soon. I can't start 2005 still in this godforsaken place where they now act as if I barely finished high school.

Any help or advice is welcome. But I sorta gotta figure it out on my own for the most part. Ugh.

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