Thursday, March 04, 2004

Bon Jovi is mixing it up with Aerosmith

So, last night I was going to clean the apartment, pop some more songs on the iPod and futz with my scanner software. But no, Muffy had to come and get her coat and then we absolutely had to watch Top Gun. See, I try to be good and right and productive and that Muffy and Steph always come along and mess me up with the drinking and the sinning and the movie watching. Bad, bad Muffy & Steph.

Anyway, Muffy hadn't seen Top Gun in years and figured it was time. Hmph! She kept complaining about too much testosterone and how they were ALWAYS sweating in every scene. She even said that the macho stuff was distracting from the hotness of the boys. At one point when they're flying the planes and being all sexy with controling the big, fast, powerful machines she turned to me to clarify the point of this extended scene. Oh Muffy...

But she is considerably better than my Mom. Yesterday Mom was saying she'd seen the movie again recently and really didn't think it was worth much of a second viewing. I was all, 'but the volleyball scene was worth it, yeah?' Mom's response? "What volleyball scene? I don't remember a volleyball scene?" Yes, I have disowned her. How can we be related? It's so hot with the buff and the topless and the sweaty and the flexing and the jumping and the sand and oh my. At least Muffy had the good sense to watch it with me a couple of times. And made not a single complaint about sweat or testosterone. She just enjoyed the hotness. And then we continued our discussion of just what happened to Tom Cruise. How did he go from Top Gun hot to... well... whatever he is now. We have some theories to explore.

Then we watched some of the Dirty Dancing extras like the Jennifer Grey screen test and the music videos. We watched the trailer, made some "I carried a watermelon" jokes and decided we had enough time to watch the whole dang thing. And so we did. And there was much loving of the Swayze body and mocking of the sister and the creepy boys and the bad dancing and loving of the good dancing and the Swayze bod and the good daddy moments and the Swayze bod and the Swayze dancing and the awesome seduction scene and there was lots of 'SQUEEEEE' going on. Ah, good times. Such a fabulous movie. Such a girl of my generation movie. Man, I remember when I wore shorts just like Baby's and whole outfits like that and the Keds without sox and listening to the soundtrack cassettes a million times and thinking that She's Like the Wind was an okay song (before realizing that she was like the wind through his TREE!?!?!?!?) and that horrible Dirty Dancing dance tour which I never saw but loved that it existed... Ah, Dirty Dancing.

Nobody puts Baby in a corner!

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