Friday, March 05, 2004

A friend of mine just called to tell me his grandmother died. And I just feel so bad for him. It brings back all the memories of when my grandfather died last Spring. And it makes me want to cry. Thinking about my Mom losing her final parent. Thinking about how my Dad already had. Being glad that Grandpa John was out of pain and wasn't suffering but more just wishing he was healthy and alive and with me.

I hope he's okay. I wish there was something I could do. But there wasn't really anything anyone could do for me whenever I lost someone. Though I guess the little things help. When my first grandparent died some of my friends got together and made a donation in her name to the American Cancer Society. And it really touched me. That while I was down in Alabama with my family they would get together and do this for me and for her. I don't hold a high opinion of people in general most of the time, but that really was pretty awesome. I just wish I could think of what to do for my friends in times like these. Mostly I feel helpless.

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