Wednesday, May 19, 2004


They're putting summer interns in our fucking pod. Summer interns. Have y'all ever met summer interns who WANT to spend their summer working in fucking Equity Research? Geekiest, dumbest, most annoying people you will ever meet. Well, 99 times out of 100. We had one in our pod a couple summers ago. We still cringe when his name comes up. My whole summer is ruined. Well, not really, but I'm very, very unhappy.

Oh, they're so awful. The interns are awful. Young and dumb and big ole losers. Dammit. And so loud. They're always so loud. And they ask the dumbest questions ever. Really.

My god I am a shallow whiny bitch.


We have parties in the Econ pod. This is just going to ruin the workday aspect of Birthday Week. I am NOT inviting them to Birthday Week. Where will I keep my Taekwon Do clothing? Dammit.

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