Tuesday, May 18, 2004

I want a 10 year old of my very own.

My little Beyonce is adorable. We had a great time today at lunch. Apparently she won three fish and got a sunburn at a street fair this weekend. And she named one of the fish Beyonce which amused me. But sadly that fish died. We think it's best not to name the other two as it seems to be bad luck. We also talked about her boyfriend of 4 1/2 months and about how boring boys are no good but that the interesting ones always break your heart. And we discussed the awesomeness of Science and how she likes History and wishes she could time travel. The we read a little. Then more pre-algebra. She is just so awesome and smart and interesting. I am going to miss her like mad this summer. I only have one more day with her and then it's done. I want to find her a really cool math practice book of sorts for her for over the summer. She's 10 but smart with math so if anyone has any suggestions, let me know.

I have a giant red pimple on my forehead. I'm the grossest woman alive.

I'm sorta out of control on this Birthday Week thing and now I'm paying for it. I sent out an email basically demanding love and attention and now I'm getting it in spades. Well, attention, no so much the love. My friends are all so dirty. I think I need to email them all and remind them that my Daddy is on this email list and they should keep it clean. Or he will beat them all up. Poor, poor Daddy. Hopefully he'll just ignore anything not from me. Daddy, if you read this first, just ignore any Birthday Week emails that don't come from me. But I am hopeful that people will attend Birthday Week. Yay!

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