Friday, April 02, 2004


I am throwing the biggest little girl fit in my mind right now. Just hair tearing fist beating hissyfit. For no reason. If there were any valid reasons it wouldn't be so much a tantrum though, would it.

I'm cranky because I wussed out and got popcorn when I wasn't really hungry. I'm kinda hurt that a friend of mine is having a birthday party in her town and gathering friends close and I wasn't invited. I doubt I could've made it there for the fest, but I wasn't even asked to try. And that bums me out. I'm annoyed that my coworker just flat out can't get to work on time ever anymore, leaving me with frantic morning calls from folks who need her to do things. And today she told me that she actually finally doesn't feel bad about coming in late anymore. AWESOME for her! I'm bummed that my parents are going on a fabulous trip to China that is too last minute for me to try and tag along on. I haven't gotten enough sleep lately. I'm bummed that I could potentially be too old to go to CT for a college frat slumber party tonight. I'm kinda starting to think that I could plan birthday week this year and just not have enough folks show up and care. I'm hating my coworkers and bosses and their need to micromanage EVERYTHING and their tendency to act as if I'm barely smart enough to type my own name. I'm fucking sick & tired of the rain and the snow and the cold. I'm pissed I'll be losing an hour this weekend due to freakin' daylight savings time. I'm cranky as hell because it's been too long since I've gotten laid (and NO I won't tell you how long it's been, so bite me). I'm mad that, because I weigh about the same amount as a water buffalo, I am no longer hot. I miss being hot. How did I let myself get away from being hot, dammit? Dude, what else? I'm trying to get all this out so I can just let it go and get over my damn self. I'm peeved that either the rain or my friend (probably the rain as I'm believing her since she's trustworthy and the rain has done this before) shut off my cable box connection last night leaving me without Survivor and a bunch of other things I wanted recorded on my TiVo. I'm really ticked off that I am not rich and have to work a sucky job for a living. I'm mad that I somehow am not involved in the performing arts anymore and that's all my fault. I'm kinda sad that I know about 50 wonderful people that I just don't have enough time to see and talk to as often as I'd like. I'm starting to feel tired of whining. Good sign. Let me just do one more pass through my mind to make sure I've gotten all the crap out so I can move on and be pleasant and have fun tonight at Grace and then either the slumber party or the burlesque.

Okay, I think I'm done. I'm feeling better. Now I just need to go to class and kick and hit things and I'll be awesome. Rock on.

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